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DPRI written report sees a pregnant boost in publisher conviction despite a fall in Q1 revenue

Digital publishing revenues declined by 11.2% in Q1 2022 compared to Q1 2022, but publisher conviction rose, according to the latest Digital Publishers Acquirement Index (DPRI), a quarterly report on Uk publishing from the Clan for Online Publishing (AOP) and Deloitte.

The report shows that digital publisher revenues decreased by 1.2% on a 12-month rolling footing to March 2022. Proportionally, the largest drop in revenue came from video, which fell by 10%, followed by sponsorship (6%) and display advertisement (one%). Subscription revenues saw an increase of iv% during the same catamenia.

Despite the overall reduction in revenue, AOP board member confidence on fiscal prospects for their company increased by a significant 56% in Q1 2022 compared to the previous quarter. For the industry overall, confidence increased by 33%. The low levels of AOP board member conviction in Q4 2022 preceded the decreased revenues in Q1 2022, and so information technology volition be telling to see whether revenues rebound in Q2 2022.

B2C publishers experienced the largest decline in revenues in Q1 2022, with a 14.four% decrease compared to the same quarter in 2022. This included decreases in revenues from display (-17%), video (-48%), and sponsorship (-xix%). In the same period, subscription acquirement continued to increase, growing by 19%. B2B publishers fared better in Q1 2022, with an eight.8% increase in revenue compared to the same quarter in 2022, driven largely by sponsorship, which increased by 85%.

The DPRI report also signalled the continual shift to multi-device campaigns in Q1 2022 compared to Q1 2022, with a ascension in multi-platform acquirement, which increased by 120% from £45.8m to £100.8m. Beyond the same period, acquirement from mobile-only and desktop-simply campaigns dropped by 45% and 82% respectively.

Overall, the last 12 months have seen significant changes in how AOP members are prioritising future growth, with 67% suggesting the introduction of new products and services or expansion is a priority strategy. Non-ad revenue growth is still a high priority for 78% of AOP members.

Richard Reeves, Managing Managing director, AOP, commented: "The last twelvemonth has undeniably brought uncertainty to the industry, equally we wait to see the total implications Brexit may bring. The coming months are going to exist challenging for digital publishers, merely information technology is encouraging to come across optimism has increased so significantly after a tough first quarter and we hope this will be mirrored by an increase in revenue in the next DRPI written report.

"Once again we are seeing an increment in multi-platform revenue as advertisers shift to campaigns which target users seamlessly beyond devices. We too continue to see a tendency for digital publishers to explore alternative revenue streams to advert, with subscriptions performing particularly well. At that place are some fantastic examples of innovation in this surface area, with publishers offer consumers options on how to eat content that all-time aligns with individual preferences, all pointing to the need for tailored, personalised user experiences."

Dan Ison, pb partner for telecoms, media and entertainment at Deloitte, commented: "Consumer ambition for online media shows no signs of abating and, despite an uncertain business climate, it'southward reassuring to encounter that the majority of online publishers are forecasting an uplift in revenues. They are right to do so: our research shows that one-half of UK adults will have at least four online-just media subscriptions by the end of 2022, up from two in 2022, the market is still poised for growth. The focus should now exist placed on diversifying offerings, making the most of campaigns across a range of platforms and producing high-quality content."